We've come a long way (well, sort of) since then and I have come to really enjoy blogging whenever I can find the time for it. It's a great outlet for writing and picture-taking, and for putting a lot of stuff (like website links) in one easy place, and for meeting people from around the country and world. I really enjoy the friends that I've met through the blogosphere, as well as the friends who I know in person who I now know better because of their blogs. I have to mention my good friend Alyson, who was probably my #1 motivating factor in starting a blog. I knew I'd have at least one loyal reader in her! And now I have more readers and friends a year later. You're all awesome!
With impeccable timing, I got my first and probably last blog award yesterday from my blogging friend Karolynn. Thank you Karolynn, that was so sweet! You're a doll! (Get it? Ha ha.) I'm supposed to award it to seven people and link to them, but I'm going to award it to all of my friends who I follow, because seriously, your blogs are so enjoyable and enriching to read. I wouldn't spend my time reading them if they weren't!

As for me and The Doll Sweet Journal, we're celebrating tonight by going out to dinner. I think I'll take it/her out to The Cheesecake Factory. She'd really appreciate that, I think. Oh wait. That might be a little complicated. Maybe I'll just order a pizza and eat it at the computer and that will be our dinner celebration together. That probably makes a little more sense, right?