My new blog buddy, Rachel, recently tagged me with this, so here are a few quirky things about me. I hope you don't think I'm too weird after reading these. And even if you do, I hope you'll still like me!
1. I can't stand to have one hand wet and the other hand dry. It feels so uncomfortable to me, especially if I then have to touch a towel to dry off the wet hand and the dry hand touches the towel too. Ugh, I hate the thought of it! So I always have to get both of my hands wet, not just one. This is very bizarre.
2. I make and maintain lists for just about everything: a daily to-do list, a monthly to-do list, a seasonal to-do list, a house to-do list, a "dinners to make this week" list, a Things to Buy list, a grocery list, and lists for clothes to get, books to read, movies to watch, places to visit, and more. I'm crazy about lists (in more ways than one!).
3. I'm a little obsessed with time management. I tend to structure and plan my days in such a way that I will be able to get as much as I can out of every minute. I often fall a little short, especially in the evenings. Like right now, I'm blogging instead of doing other things I should probably be doing. But it's the end of the day and I need a break!
4. Just about every drawer and cabinet in my house is really organized, because I'm a neat freak. I'm very particular about where things go and how they get put away. It's a little scary, even to me, although I don't think I'd want it any other way.
5. Misspellings and grammatical errors bug me. It's the detail-oriented, oversensitive editor in me. When I'm reading something and I spot a mistake, if there's a pen nearby I actually sometimes write in the correction. It just makes me feel better, like somehow I'm making the world a better place. At least my world, anyway, since I guess I'm the only one reading the correction.
6. I have lifelong brand loyalty to a few things simply because of positive associations with them from my childhood (I think this is a reason why children get so heavily marketed to). For example, I'll only ever get Snuggle fabric softener sheets because I remember the commercials from when I was young with that cute little Snuggle bear and it brings back happy memories. Plus, that's what my mom used. So it's worth it to pay the few extra dollars, even though it may be a little impractical.
I tag: Barack Obama, Michael Phelps, and anyone else who wants to do it!