Hurricane Ivan devastated Grand Cayman in 2004. There was still some damage evident four years later, like here.
The Pirate's Caves were so much fun. We had the whole place to ourselves that morning. These caves were regularly used by actual pirates once upon a time.
There was a little zoo there. John and Peter are checking out the mini stingrays. My mom was stressing that Peter was going to let John fall in.
There were lots of pretty flowers there too.

Peter had a lot of fun exploring the caves. His inner Boy Scout came out strong!
Dangling handcuffs. Hopefully this is the closest John will ever get to a pair of cuffs.
This reminds me of Indiana Jones.
John will follow Peter wherever he goes...
Peter found bats back there. One of them actually flew out! I guess that's what exploring will do for you.
Up above ground again, we got to hold this friendly white bird. His mohawk would go up and down at will, which was funny. He was a charming little cutie!
At The Mission House, where the wealthy British settlers lived in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
At Pedro St. James, which is the most famous historic site on the island. This is where democracy was born for the Islands. This is a very funky, very unique old house. I'd never seen one like it before.
The grounds had beautiful views of the ocean.
Relaxing up on the top veranda of the house.
Back at home that evening, Peter made some tasty chicken fajitas for dinner. Our condo had this great screened-in patio that was really nice to spend time on. We ate most of our meals here when we didn't eat out.
Chef Pierre, preparing dinner.
At night, Peter and I went swimming and we switched between the pool and the hot tub a couple of times. It is soooo relaxing to go from the hot to cool temperatures like that, especially when you've got the warm Caribbean air around you and the stars glimmering in the sky above. By that point, I really didn't want this trip to end!