A play on words of The Wall Street Journal, my favorite paper.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
My friend Jessie had some funny little pictures up on her blog recently, and I got such a kick out of them that I decided to "steal" some of them to put on my blog. Thanks Jessie! I'm sorry to be a thief, but I like these way too much not to put on my own blog!
I thought it was sad when Pluto got demoted. I don't care what the scientists say, Pluto is still a planet in my book! For some reason, I vividly remember the episode of Saved by the Bell when Jessie Spano sang this song and then broke down because of her pill addiction. Poor Slater! This has always been me with math. It's ironic that I ended up marrying a literal math genius.Big surprise, I wasn't much good at Chemistry either! This is so funny. I remember playing Super Mario Brothers with my friends when I was younger and thinking that I was really cool when I did things like find a hidden flower and get lots of coins. Aaahh, the good old days.