Today is Dr. Suess Day! I learned last week from my one of Cheryl's blog posts that Dr. Suess Day was going to be today. I did some research (thank you Google--which, by the way, has a cute logo today made from Dr. Suess characters) and found out that Dr. Suess Day is celebrated in schools, libraries, and homes across the country every year on March 2nd, which was his birthday. We're a family of Dr. Suess fans (one of us in particular...can you guess who?) and I thought these pictures from last fall were perfect for today.
What is it about Dr. Suess that has such staying power? I think the clever rhymes, the funny stories, and the unique illustrations and characters are what appeal to children. I know they do for my son John. His favorites are The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (he seems to look up to the unreformed Grinch as a role model--scary, I know) and of course The Cat in the Hat, which we've read so many times that he has nearly the whole thing memorized. He even recites it word-for-word when he's lying in bed at night. I too loved Dr. Suess books when I was young, and now I enjoy reading them with my own child. I think Theodore Geisel, a.k.a. Theo LeSieg, a.k.a. Dr. Suess, was a literary genius who left a treasure trove for generations to come in the form of his wonderful books and stories. And so to you I do say, have a happy Dr. Suess Day! (That's pretty much the extent of my rhyming abilities.)