I can't wait for spring and summer! Of course as I write this, there's a snowstorm happening right outside the window just a few feet away from me. I think about the return of warm weather (or at least mild weather) every day, usually many times a day. I know I sound like an old grumpy broken record, but the older I get, the less and less I like winter. It does, however, have a few redeeming qualities: classic, pretty New England snowfalls like today's, Christmas, ice-skating, and hot cocoa. I wish winter was only in December and January and that spring started sometime in February and went to April with summer then going from May to September. Now that would be nice!
Here are some pretty flower pics I took to tide myself over. I grew some pretty tulips in a glass vase in my kitchen for a few weeks, and my Valentine's Day roses ended up blooming beautifully and are still going pretty strong. What the experts say about the benefits of having real flowers in your home is true. I feel happy every time I see them!
The Tulips Experiment:
Day 1

I get a little obsessed with blooming roses:
February 14th, when I received this bouquet from my special valentine.