Peter was sick with a cold but not so sick that it had to change our plans. On Saturday my mother came to visit and she babysat John in the evening so that Peter and I could go out. We went to dinner at Max-a-Mia in Avon, a great Italian restaurant. For our appetizers we had calamari (mainly for Peter) and mussels (mainly for me). Peter had veal and I had chicken for our entrees, and I didn't even give him a hard time about the veal, which I've been wanting him to give up for years. I had a gigantic piece of chocolate cake for dessert which I couldn't even eat half of so I had it packed to go. I think Peter wished he had ordered that instead of the smaller, colder chocolate dessert that he got.
After our dee-lish dinner we went to one of our favorite stores, Barnes & Noble, to use all of the great gift cards we got for Christmas and also because we're nerds who like to go book-shopping for fun. Peter and I are addicted to buying and reading books. Our ideal house someday will have a library with built-in bookshelves lining the walls to hold our ever-expanding collection. He got about fifteen books that night! He'll probably have them all read in a month's time, too.

Happy birthday Peter! John and I love you!