Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!

2.) Real tree or artificial? Real
3.) When do you put up the tree? The first Saturday in December
4.) When do you take the tree down? By the weekend after New Year's
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Funny Holiday Finds
These e-cards from Daily Candy are hilarious! These are my faves:
If you're looking for a unique, creative gift, how about a journal made from Elephant Poo? Yes, this is for real, and it's brought to you by the creative folks at Uncommon Goods. As it says on the website, "this is a stinkin' good idea." Click on the link to read the very funny description and to discover how the poo gets turned into paper. I like elephants and I support buying recycled products, but....if someone were to give me this my first thought would be that they must not like me very much.
And last but not least, here are some snappy little gift tags from Pretty Bitter.It says: "Sorry, this is the best I could do."
"Sorry, but this is all I could afford. I hope you got me something better." Ha ha! If that's not what the true Christmas spirit is all about then I don't know what is.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How to Decorate a Christmas Tree (with a 3-year-old!)

2. Trick your child into thinking that he is magic and can turn the lights on and off by blowing on them as if they were birthday candles. John totally thought he had this power. He had no idea that Peter was controlling it behind him. It was so funny!

3. Have your husband string up the lights. This year it's his turn to choose the color of the lights. Peter likes colored, and I like white. So here he is putting up his colored lights.

Trying to decide if the bear or the star should hold the place of honor on top of the tree. The star won, but only because it lights up and the bear doesn't.

4. Because the lights take awhile to string up, decorate with ornaments the next night. Try to get a cute, perfect picture of your kid in front of the tree, which proves to be impossible.

5. Enjoy the finished product:

I'm happy with the tree, although it isn't decorated as nicely as some of our past Christmas trees. I didn't bother putting on things like tinsel this year. I just don't feel as festive as usual. Plus it has those blasted colored lights instead of the elegant white ones.
To make up for my Scrooginess, here are some of my favorite ornaments.
My beloved childhood Strawberry Shortcake ornament from the '80s:
Our 1st Christmas, 2002

My mom got me this when I was pregnant with John in 2004. They were all out of blondes, so she got the brunette and had it personalized with his name and the year.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
How to Choose a Christmas Tree

2. When you find a tree that you like, size it up and envision the probability of it fitting well (or not) in your house.

3. Shake the tree to see if a lot of pine needles fall off. If they do, don't get it! (We didn't do this little test last year. It proved to be a big mistake. Our tree died about a week after we got it!) If not a lot of needles fall off, the tree is probably healthy and strong. The tree below passed the test and is the one we ended up choosing.
4. Let your kid "help out" (i.e., crawl in between the trees to hide, run around, and generally have a blast!).

5. Once the tree arrives at your house and is still laying horizontally on the ground, all netted up, let the above-mentioned child get a head start on the decorating.

Next in this continuing miniseries: How to Decorate a Christmas Tree. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Fall Foliage Memories

Now that it looks like THIS outside:
...I figured it was a good time to post some of my favorite fall foliage pictures that I meant to put on my blog last month. Hey, it's not officially winter yet, so it's not too late! We had an amazing foliage season in New England this year. Everyone seemed a little stunned by just how beautiful it was. My humble pictures can't do it justice, but they give a little taste of what it was like around here in Connecticut for a few glorious weeks in October.This was the view up ahead when turning into our neighborhood and driving up the street.